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About Us

Kevin is Sheffield born and bred and has been a pagan for over 20 years. He has considerable Wiccan experience, although he is now following his own path. In his brief moments of spare time, he enjoys programming, reading, music and gaming, and is involved in a local pagan group.

Annie moved up to Sheffield from the Black Country in 1993. She has been pagan for over 15 years, coming 'out of the broom-closet' three years ago. She follows a Celtic animist path, and is one of the co-ordinators for her local pagan group. Her interests include reading, gardening, cooking, listening to overly loud music and spending far too much time on the computer!

They share their home with one adolescent male, one cat, one goldfish, two dragons and various house-spirits. Most of the time this seems to work!

Design © K & A 2007